
ActiHealth ActiTrim Advanced Herbal Formula Plan 3 Pack - 300ml

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Our SECRET FORMULA alongside our plan has shown amazing results due to our carefully mixed ingredients of:

  • Green Tea: A detox tea used for years in weight management
  • Dandelion Root: An excellent source of Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K and also a good source of inulin
  • Raspberry Ketones: High in antioxidants and can influence your body’s fat and sugar absorption. This can help in supporting a healthy body and metabolism
  • Turmeric: One of the most recognised anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • Vitamin D: No need for an introduction here
  • Ginseng: Renowned worldwide for alleviating stress and anxiety – while improving thinking, concentration and memory
  • Hibiscus: High in fibre, protein and boasts an excellent nutritional profile -including Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C